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Saturday, July 05, 2008


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Can we pitch in for an air conditioner? I think Mom got one for about $150. It might help. Loves


Perhaps, just perhaps it would be good if SonOne does know how bad it gets, how bad it is, girlfriend too. He shouldn't be asking you to bake cookies in this heat, is my opinion. You have nothing to be ashamed of!!!! You have a disease or condition or whatever you want to call it that sometimes controls you, even sometimes when you pretend you are controlling it. I cry and worry and love you, don't know what else to do.

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Baby Jacob

That I Take

  • ThursdayLove
    Once I loved someone, so I made home-made hearts to send him via email each day. He secretly liked them, while pretending not to realize that it meant I loved him. Then I quit being "in love", and quit sending the hearts, altho I kept taking pictures - now in memory of Jacob.

Reasons to Move
to San Francisco

July 2008

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Secret Lover

  • Pocono
    Eleven months out of the year, I spend Sundays watching NASCAR. I like Dale Jr., and Jimmie Johnson. It's not a well-known secret, but I love Jeff Gordon.


  • 4thofjuly
    I LOVE the Volkswagon Bug. Someday I WILL own one.

San Francisco Hearts

  • Ph403518322
    I collect hearts. What can I say? Just a silly hobby. They tell me it's important to have a hobby.

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