It's been a frustratingly good day. Not sure if that is a word ... frustratingly...? Good day cause my son is in town, frustrating because it was a pain to get him here.
He left home in Spokane at 4am Thursday morning, headed this way, flying free. Which really means "stand-by". Flew to Boise, and had a 3 hour layover, because my town was off the map evidently because of fog. They decided to divert to Bozeman, Montana, which is 200.77 miles away from here, and 3 hours and 30 minutes away. I guess the hope was by the time they got to Bozeman, our fog would have ... dissipated. I do believe that's the first time I've ever used "dissipated".
So at about noon, SonOne sent me a text, "If you don't hear from me by 2pm, get ready to pick me up in Bozeman". I went and gassed up the car, kicked the tires, checked the oil, and found a map to Bozeman. At 2pm, I hadn't heard from him, so I headed out. Suddenly, after 17.49 miles and 17 minutes out, headed for Bozeman, it occurred to me that something wasn't right. Then I almost getting killed by an asshole driver. After some nasty words, and several deep breathes, I pulled over near Sugar City to think. SonOne said "If you don't hear from me by 2pm, get ready to pick me up in Bozeman". Blink. Blink. That didn't make sense. If he was stuck in Bozeman, he would be able to call me and tell me to come get him. Why? Because he'd be on the ground. Can't use cell phones in the air. I text-ed him. No answer. Which meant he was in the air, one would presume.
In the meantime, my sister told me my route to Bozeman was closed because of winter. Hmph. I asked her to call the transportation department for a road report. I called a friend, who knew the route to Bozeman cause her mom lives there, and she said yes, Yellowstone was closed, but I was taking the West Yellowstone route. Uh. Okay. Sister called back and told me Yellowstone was closed, and you can only go there on snow machines. That's how Yellowstone is in the winter - the residents drive snow-mobiles. Cool, huh. So I told sis about WEST Yellowstone, and she still said it was closed.
At some point, either she or I decided SonOne must be in the air and headed to Idaho Falls, because of the time elapsed. The fog was upon me. Evidently, it was lifting from Idaho Falls, and following me to Yellowstone. WEST Yellowstone. So his plane MAY have got diverted to Idaho Falls from Bozeman. About 3 minutes later, he text ed me, "I'm here". Huh? Where the hell is "here". Real helpful, son. So I took a leap of faith in my reasoning powers and decided he had to mean Idaho Falls, which meant I needed to turn around and head back. Text ed him that I was in Sugar City, and I'd be there after 40 minutes and 36.13 miles had passed. Okay, I just lied. It's not as if I could Google Mapquest to tell me mileage and estimated drive time from my car.
Finally, after picking him up at the airport, he was here. Boy, is that a brilliant sentence. Of course he was here if I was picking him up at the airport. Duh. He was supposed to be here at 10:30am. He finally made it at 4:oopm. The plane circled Idaho Falls for 45 minutes, (sorry, I don't have the mileage for you), waiting for the fog to put us back on the map.
Oh, did I mention SonOne worked till 1:ooam last nite? And had to leave at 4am? So he came home with me and slept till about 7pm. His buddies came over to take him out to the bars tonite. Tomorrow morning at 4am, we all go to the airport and try to fly to Spokane. The reason SonOne came this way was so he could accompany his friends on the plane and they get to use his "buddy passes", so they could all fly free. I'm going so I can babysit Duke. Duke! The rest of them are going skiing in Canada somewhere for the weekend. As all of them walked out the door, SonOne was heard to say "Dude, you guys owe me BIG TIME, cause I've been thru hell trying to get here".
My WeatherBug sent me a weather alert. Can you guess?
Dense Fog Alert until 11am Friday Morning.
So we'll go, prepared to drive to Spokane if we have to. Me and 4 "boys" and various ski equipment in one car. Seven hour drive. FUN!
Oh! I forgot part of the story. As we were driving home from the airport, SonOne asked why I had been in Sugar City. ??? Umm, cause he told me to come get him in Bozeman if I didn't hear from him by 2pm. Turns out he meant that I was to gather up all the boys, one of which couldn't get off work till 5pm, and drive us all to Bozeman, pick him up, and head for Spokane. HA HA HA. Was that ever a miscommunication. There I was, headed for Bozeman, without his friends, and he was expecting to be waiting for at least 8 more hours. HEE!
Apparently, trying to organize a trip for 5 people is quite a pain in the ass.
He is the Fastest Text(er) in The West.
My WeatherBug just popped up again with a weather alert. Don't tell me - we're off the map again.
Nite all.