If there's one good place to live when one is trying to get used to their false teeth, and needs advice... it's an old folk's home like where I live.
Old lady 1: What's happening with your life?
Me: Just trying to keep my teeth inside my mouth.
Old lady2: Oh, I've had dentures since I was 19 years old.
Me: Really? What kind of goopy stuff do you use?
Old lady 2: Fix-a-dent is the best.
Old lady 1: I don't use any - just use suction. It's mind over matter when it comes to your teeth.
Me: Mind over matter?
Old lady 1: Sure it is, I've never had to use any Poli-Grip or Fix-a-dent. Couldn't stand the thought of that stuff in my mouth going down into my stomach.
Me: Well, if it's mind over matter, my mind keeps asking "What's the matter, your teeth keep falling out, and it's making me crazy".
I'll just tell my mind that it's at fault cause it is not doing it's mind over matter thing.