I may have mentioned before that I haven't been going to Curves lately. It quit helping me, I'd plateaued and quit losing inches in the places I wanted to lose inches. Wonder if the fact that she doesn't have all the required equipment might have anything to do with that.
So today, I joined Snap Fitness. There is a discount for being a senior and/or disabled, so the cost is the same as the health club that I recently joined. I got out of the health club contract, which was very kind of them. Snap has a month to month membership, so if the stars should align and I get struck by lightening informing me that my housing number has come up and it's time to move to San Francisco.... geez louise was that an awkward sentence or what? Anyways - should I have to move, it's not a yearly contract that I'm screwing up, as it's just a month to month membership. For their grand opening, the 49.00 membership is waived too.
They have a shower! Can't tell you how exciting that is. The hot water in my shower lasts for about 4 minutes, which makes my shower schedule really difficult. If I wanted to do a complete job, shaving legs, shampoo, condition, etc., I'd have to take 4 showers a day. Shampoo, rinse, condition, jump out. Wait awhile, no Stella you can't wash dishes, I need the hot water. Jump in, shave one leg, and maybe one armpit. Jump out. Wait. Jump in, shave the other leg and armpit, jump out. Wait. Jump in, soap the body, exfoliate the heels, brush teeth, scrub face.
Which is ridiculous. And of course I don't do that.
So I worked out today, and am thrilled with the new place. I had a heck of a time talking myself into going to the health club the last couple of weeks, and went only 3 times? The Snap machines have pictures on them to show you how to use it, which is important to someone who's got heat issues going on during work-outs, and so I lose my brain each time. Now I don't have to feel like a fool, having to ask someone for help for each machine, each time. Each machine also has a place that holds your mug of water, cause you're SPOSE TO DRINK YOUR WATER. When working out, the last thing I want to have to do is bend down to the floor to pick up my drink. I have limits, people.
So I tried the U pa lip tis machine for the first time too. LOVED it. Now I understand people who say "Oh that feels good" while wincing with pain during work-outs. My body was used to being in shape and toned, and I've let it go for the last couple of months. It really did feel good - it's as if your body cells remember feeling good, so they are grateful to get back to it, despite the body's brain.
I have absolutely no doubt that I've got SAD. Yesterday I could smile, today I want to drown myself in Kalua and Cream. And I'm not the drinking type who drinks to escape. I definitely want to self-medicate today. I know alot of it is because ... OH! I didn't tell you about the dentist the other day. It's another post.
Must go now.
Am I supposed to understand the eucalyptus thing? I feel stupid...
Also, I imagined you 'jumping' in and out of showers and giggled on and off for five minutes. Still am. :D
Posted by: Gosling | Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 05:34 AM
Sounds like one of the elements on your water heater is burned out. Can be fixed very easily if that is true----the hard part would be to get your "landlord" to believe you and then do it.
So, where is this new place?
Posted by: Poogie | Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 10:27 AM
Gosling, since MsShad won't tell you, it's just an exercise machine and she pronouced and spelled it wrong. I think she got it right on this post, tho. Anyway, it's just an exercise machine. Eucalyptus is a nice smelly leaf from Australia, I think, that Koala bears like to eat. Which I'm sure you already knew.
Posted by: TC | Monday, March 12, 2007 at 09:05 AM
Machines have names??!!!! Aren't they all called 'exercise machine'? What a world!
So now I know. Thanks. :)
Posted by: Gosling | Monday, March 12, 2007 at 09:20 AM
советы опытных рыбаков
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