Unbeknowst to me, February 4th is National Wear Red Day. This is supposed to make us aware that heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States.
I just happened to wear red on Sunday, Feb. 4th. Scuse the skinny picture, it's for another thing I did.
Hmm. Now I have to fill in this space so I can post another picture. It's all about symetrics, people. I can't stand unbalance, uneven, unright visual anything. Which will also come into play when I organize my sister's walk-in closet. Which isn't so walk-in at the moment... which is why it needs organizing. I'm going to do it like the make-over shows. She leaves the building while I do the work and surprise her with how wonderful it is when she comes back. If we did it together? We would fight and argue too much. Why? Because one of us is a control freak, and one of us can't see the possibilities because one of us is pretty damn rigid. Just say'n.
Yesterday was my brother's birthday. He was one year younger than me. I think? He was killed in California........oooooooooooh. Hmmm. That's right, I'd forgotten. People get killed in California. I remember when me and my sister went down for the funeral, we felt like ducking/running for cover when we were walking on the streets of Orange County. Orange Country has the highest crime rate per capita in the US. Anyways. He was killed and it's so weird to think of him alive and still one year younger than me. Cause I'm almost old, and he would be too. He had a drug and alcohol problem that he was growing out of and I wonder what he'd be like now. He wrote poetry that he mailed to me once, and I was astounded at how 'deep' it was.
SanFranMan is planning another trip to Reno in the middle of this month. And what SanFranMan wants, SanFranMan gets. Mostly because I like what he wants. Heh. So tomorrow I will be calling boarding kennels for the dogs, because my sister said she "isn't sure about keeping the dogs again". Sniff. I know! It's unbelievable to me too.
I may have a place to take the little dogs - one of the old ladies who used to live here, moved out to a house a few blocks away, and her little cha wa wa (I can't spell it, sound it out) used to play with my dogs. She's got a fenced in yard. Last time I researched boarding dogs, it was dismal because nobody would take dogs who ate raw chicken, even if I provided it.
Is this the most boring post ever? Boy, am I in the doldrums. Is that a word? Because of the Internet, I can't ever just ask a question. Because in my brain, there's a voice that says "look it up yourself, you're sitting right there, right now, and all it takes is a click or two or three". And I want to whine that it's too hard today.
Indeed, doldrums is a word. A dull, listless, depressed mood; low spirits.
Check it out here: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/doldrums
btw: I'm enjoying your writing ... keep it up.
Posted by: mdmhvonpa | Thursday, February 08, 2007 at 07:35 AM
Rigid? Control Freek? Shucks, Shad, don't be so hard on yourself! You're loosening up, you're getting there!!!
Posted by: TC | Thursday, February 08, 2007 at 01:54 PM