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Friday, October 20, 2006


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Well, for what it's worth, THANK YOU!!!!! I'm full of awe that you went to that much trouble for little ol' me!


That's all? That's all I get? Stop being so sweet and nice. I wanna know what you think about Kalua.


I want to know why you go to all that trouble with the...the... season decor. Or whatever that is.

Now, are all those pictures one person? They seem like at least three. I like the biggest pic the best of course, and then the sweet angel with her hair in a bow. Adorable. :D

Lastly, what was that with the lizard?


Decorating by the seasons = One of the few joys left in my world. Sniff.

No actually, when I had a daycare in my home, I used to decorate each room as part of the business. Most of the rooms had parents in and out of them looking for missing socks, coats, or to get their kid out of a crib. So I had crates and crates of holiday and seasonal stuff.

All the pictures are of TC in the collage. One is TC sitting on my lap. The clown is TC. It's all about her today.

The lizard? Humor, dear. Are our cultures crossing?


TC was adorable then. Sooooo cute. :D

And yes, cultures are crossing cos I didn't get it. Still don't.


Hey people!!! Focus here. Lizards?? What about lizards?


heart/brain surgery on lizards = what I IMAGINE difficult as hell = fixing the scanner.

Sheesh. Here I think I'm being so clever and funny.


Goz, I'm still adorable. Shad just doesn't see it. :(


Oh, it took me a bit to realise I'm Goz. *grin*

So glad to know the lizard surgery was just in her mind. I was beginning to worry about her cutting open lizards, and ewwww....

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Baby Jacob

That I Take

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