I had to come up with something birthdayee that didn't cost any money, since yesterday, I had to ask to borrow some money from her, which she totally couldn't/wouldn't which is a pity, since I was going to buy her birthday present with it, but hey, this is just as good. Special even. Both crafty AND personal!
However, it was a BITCH to do. Let me tell you about it.
First? I had to find the pictures. Thank god I started 5 days ago, because I got ... wait....
wait for it....
I got DISTRACTED! I know. Shocking, isn't it?
So after I filed each and every picture I've ever taken since SonOne was even born (proof) of which there were approximately a million, then I had to find a better place to keep them. Which somehow morphed into me deciding that I needed to take the spring motif down and put up the fall decorations. Which is normally a 3 day process. First day - gather up old season's blankets, pillows, curtains, silk flowers, paintings and decorations. Second day - get down the new season's blankets, pillows, curtains, silk flowers, paintings, and decorations, and put old seasons stuff in it's place. I call it recycling my storage. Third day - put up new season's stuff. Be tired and sick to death of it. Eighth day - finally get around to hanging the paintings. It hasn't been eight days yet, so that one is still questionable.
Anyways. I got distracted. Started out trying to find ONE DAMN CLOWN PICTURE and ended up remodeling the house.
Found the picture/s. Tried to scan them into the computer. Scanner doesn't work. Probably because in the re-decorating, I also had to change the furniture around, and so the scanner had been moved too, and was unplugged. Easy fix. Plugged in the scanner. It still didn't work. In the interest of time, and so this post doesn't melt down into a vat of ugly swear words, I'll just say that it took @^%@&#^&%! 2 days to figure out what was wrong with it. Not only would it not scan, but after I fixed the scanning part, then I couldn't find where the scanner stored the picture. Two days, and an entire bottle of Kalua later, I now know how to configure scanners, and a whole lot of other things, like oh say... building a birdhouse, and performing heart surgery on lizards. And I'm here to tell you - performing heart surgery on lizards was MUCH easier. Just goes to show you where perseverance will take you. One minute you're looking for a DAMN CLOWN PICTURE and the next you're performing brain surgery.
What? Did I say heart surgery? I meant brain surgery.
Somehow, in the fix, ALL my pictures got re-filed into a different photochop program, one I didn't even know I had. Which meant that I didn't know how to resize pictures, or enhance them, or how to store them. Or get them on the blog. But I did discover that the new photochop program would let me make collages. How adorable I thought. I could do a collage of all the little school pictures too. How clever of me. Only... and I know... this is getting old... I couldn't figure out how to do it. Plus I got distracted! I know! Real life intruded and I had to do things like go potty. Which somehow would lead to ... getting thirsty for more Kalua and Cream.
My sister will be proud of this next paragraph, because it's gonna bring in more readers via Google. Which means all that more people seeing her pictures! See how special this birthday is?
If you clicked on the link above, Kalua and Cream, here let me link it again, you may have noticed towards the bottom, a list of different drinks that require Kalua. I am THRILLED to note that listed among them is Quick Fuck, Screaming Orgasm, Better Than Sex, Blow Job #4, Chocolate Orgasm (double score!), Kinky Orgasm, Deep Throat, Cum in a Blender, Fucking Monkey, oh I could go on and on. Let the Google hits begin!
It thrills me that my favorite drink is so suited to my nature. I know I don't share that side of me much here on the blog (there's something about having your mother as a reader that squelches the kink, imagine that), but talking about Kalua is perfectly innocent, right? Of course right. It makes my sister all squiggy when I mention S-E-X, specially O-R-G-A-S-M, so I better get out of this paragraph. So sorry to get distracted again. Sue me.
After a good nite's sleep - hey! who knew that drinking would help my insomnia, I tried to get the computer to file my pictures back into the old photochop program and it just argued with me. The entire operation wasn't pretty. And I'm not talking about the brain and/or heart surgery.
Well, as you can see, I did finally figure it out. But it takes no less than 732 clicks of the mouse, in and out various programs to get pictures into the blog now. Since I was drunk the first time I clicked on the magic formula, the next morning I didn't remember how it was done. That was yesterday. I no longer have any hair.
So today, as I wish TC a happy birthday, I'm trying not to grit my teeth behind a grim smile.
Oh, and the dress in the big picture? The dark grey and white one? That's mine.
Well, for what it's worth, THANK YOU!!!!! I'm full of awe that you went to that much trouble for little ol' me!
Posted by: TC | Friday, October 20, 2006 at 02:05 PM
That's all? That's all I get? Stop being so sweet and nice. I wanna know what you think about Kalua.
Posted by: MsShad | Friday, October 20, 2006 at 02:20 PM
I want to know why you go to all that trouble with the...the... season decor. Or whatever that is.
Now, are all those pictures one person? They seem like at least three. I like the biggest pic the best of course, and then the sweet angel with her hair in a bow. Adorable. :D
Lastly, what was that with the lizard?
Posted by: Gosling | Friday, October 20, 2006 at 03:47 PM
Decorating by the seasons = One of the few joys left in my world. Sniff.
No actually, when I had a daycare in my home, I used to decorate each room as part of the business. Most of the rooms had parents in and out of them looking for missing socks, coats, or to get their kid out of a crib. So I had crates and crates of holiday and seasonal stuff.
All the pictures are of TC in the collage. One is TC sitting on my lap. The clown is TC. It's all about her today.
The lizard? Humor, dear. Are our cultures crossing?
Posted by: MsShad | Friday, October 20, 2006 at 04:03 PM
TC was adorable then. Sooooo cute. :D
And yes, cultures are crossing cos I didn't get it. Still don't.
Posted by: Gosling | Saturday, October 21, 2006 at 06:58 AM
Hey people!!! Focus here. Lizards?? What about lizards?
Posted by: TC | Monday, October 23, 2006 at 08:56 AM
heart/brain surgery on lizards = what I IMAGINE difficult as hell = fixing the scanner.
Sheesh. Here I think I'm being so clever and funny.
Posted by: MsShad | Monday, October 23, 2006 at 02:00 PM
Goz, I'm still adorable. Shad just doesn't see it. :(
Posted by: TC | Monday, October 23, 2006 at 05:20 PM
Oh, it took me a bit to realise I'm Goz. *grin*
So glad to know the lizard surgery was just in her mind. I was beginning to worry about her cutting open lizards, and ewwww....
Posted by: Gosling | Wednesday, October 25, 2006 at 07:36 AM